What’s Missing from Our Marketing Messages?
Is the thrill gone in your marketing messages?
I know the feeling. Really, I do. I spend most of my time helping others develop their marketing messages, working on their strategies and delivering their materials, so focusing on my own marketing is often the last thing on my mind.
The thing is: I love helping others develop their marketing messages and materials. As my clients are explaining their businesses to me, I get excited about the possibilities and opportunities we can explore to deliver their messages. Part of my job is to help them define their marketing messages and refine them for their particular audiences.
It’s not a simple task.
And when you’re trying to figure out your own marketing message, it can feel a little like bragging. For people who are used to focusing on getting the job done and keeping clients happy, it can feel downright uncomfortable.
Many times, our marketing messages end up sounding more like a resume or corporate overview. They don’t truly represent who we are or how we work with our clients. Sure, we want people to know that we can handle their projects — that we’re professional, reliable, and will deliver results — but after the first few buzzword-ridden sentences, the corporate-speak turns into a wall of meaningless words.
The problem is that the thrill is gone.
In trying to sound professional, in trying to relate our capabilities without sounding boastful, we forgot to be excited.
I don’t know about you, but I know that I love what I do. I know that my clients love what they do. When they explain their businesses and ideas to me, they’re excited. So much so, that as they’re talking, my mind starts racing about all of the great things we need to promote and all of the different ways we can achieve their marketing goals.
This excitement is what’s missing from our marketing messages. This is what we need to focus on moving forward.
You can start to get the thrill back by making yourself a list. Take some time to jot down your thoughts on the following:
- What part of a project gets you the most excited? What do you love about what you do?
- What’s the best feedback you’ve personally gotten from a client?
- List some of the best results you’ve achieved for clients.
- How would you describe what you do (or what your business does) to a friend? If you and I were talking, how would you describe your business to me? Remember, my job is to help you get your message out to others, so making sure I understand your excitement is key.
Once you’re finished, take a look at your current materials. Do they convey this excitement? Do they showcase the results you get for clients? Figure out where you can add more of your excitement into your marketing messages. Just starting to work some of your excitement into your materials can help. It can breathe new life into your marketing messages and energize both you and your potential clients.
I don’t suggest, of course, going overboard. You want to make sure your marketing messages are accessible to your audience. Regardless of your industry, people want to work with others who have a passion for what they do. If you love what you do and are excited about it, you’re more invested in every project. You’re active and present in your work. Putting that into your marketing messages will help you convey that passion to your potential clients, letting them know that you are much more than just a list of corporate buzzwords.
I always say that marketing isn’t magic, but I believe that we can create a spark — and make sure people know we’re more than just a collection of tired buzzwords — by putting the thrill back into our marketing messages.
Happy marketing!