Postcard System


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Buy Now! $505.95 $415.95 [wp_cart:Easy Postcard System:price:415.95:end]



SAVE with this package designed to get you started with your postcard program.


The Easy Postcard System is just one of the tools developed specifically with the real estate industry in mind. It’s simple.


We develop your master postcard, incorporating the look and feel of your specific brand. When you get a new listing, you simply order a postcard which will be created using your specific master flyer template.


This provides you with a consistent, well-branded postcard system that is cost effective and easy to use, while presenting your firm in a professional and well organized manner.



  • STEP 1: Fill out form on right and click submit
  • STEP 2: Select options, add them to your cart and check out
  • STEP 3: Once your form is reviewed, we will contact you to discuss your project prior to design. Initial design options are typically provided in 2 to 4 days (business hours apply). You will provide revisions back to KPD. Once approved, your postcard will be emailed to you in jpg and pdf formats. If printing option is selected, standard turnaround print processing is 4-7 days plus approximately 3 days shipping.
  • Continue the program with additional postcards created from master design for just $30.95 each


  • Two sided custom postcard master design – 5×7, 4-color
  • Phone Consultation
  • Two Original Designs to Choose From
  • Two Sets of Master Postcard Design Revisions
  • Minor Photo Retouching of up to 2 client-supplied photos OR up to one standard stock photo (as needed for template design)
  • First 5 postcards created from master design (including digitally illustrated location maps) provided in jpg & pdf file formats (printing not included)



  • Kristian Price Design terms and conditions – Click Here


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Step 1: Fill Out Form and submit


Easy Postcard System Form

Please fill out the form below and provide as much information as possible. This form will provide us with preliminary information to review. After reviewing your Easy Postcard System Form, we will contact you for a consultation prior to the design process.


Please note that, for printed postcards, you will need to provide high resolution images.


[contact-form 9 “Postcard System Starter Package”]



Step 2: Add Product(s) to Cart and Check Out


Easy Postcard System: $505.95 $415.95 [wp_cart:Easy Postcard System:price:415.95:end]

