


New Custom Newsletter

Includes: 8.5 x 11, 2-page, 4-color newsletter, phone consultation, two original designs to choose from, three sets of revisions, minor text editing/composition/refinement, minor photo retouching of two client-supplied photo OR two standard stock photos, final file provided in pdf format (if html newsletter is required, please contact us directly).


Easy Newsletter System

SAVE with this package designed to get you started with your newsletter program.


Includes: Two page newsletter master design, First 3 newsletters created from master design in pdf file formats.


Continue the program with additional newsletters created from master design for as low as $36.95 each.




New Newsletter from KPD Template

For users of the easy newsletter system. Order a newsletter to be generated from your previously created KMP template. Please note: your assigned template number is required.




Easy Flyer System – $420.95


Click Here to Get Started

SAVE with this package designed to get you started with your flyer program. Introductory rate!


Includes: Two page custom flyer master design, First 5 Flyers Created from master design (including location maps) in jpg & pdf file formats


Continue the program with additional flyers created from master design for just $34.25 each


Marketing Package – $1595.00

Click Here to Get Started

SAVE with this package designed to get you started with your branded marketing program. Introductory rate!


Includes: Two page custom flyer master design, first 5 flyers from master design (including location maps) in jpg & pdf file formats created from master design.


Continue the program with additional flyers from master design for just $34.25 each


One page custom professional profile master design, first 5 recurring profiles from master design in pdf file format


Continue the program with additional profiles from master design for as low as $30.95 each.


Two-sided postcard custom master design, first 5 postcards from template (including property location maps) in jpg & pdf file formats created from master postcard design.


Plus 100 prints of each postcard shipped to your office (does not include mailing services or postage).


Continue the program with additional postcards from master design for just $30.95 each.